"Тілді таңдау
Annual purchase plans

Published: 08.02.2023

Published: 25.12.2022

Published: 08.02.2023

Special plan

Published: 23.07.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions as of July 23, 2021 (Order 010440003931-PZ-2021-22)

Published: 14.07.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions as of July 14, 2021 (Order 010440003931-PZ-2021-21)

Published: 02.07.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions as of 07/02/2021 (Order 010440003931-PZ-2021-20)

Published: 30.06.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions as of June 30, 2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-19)

Published: 15.06.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions as of June 15, 2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-18)

Published: 09.06.2021

Plan for the procurement of goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions as of 06/09/2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-17)

Published: 04.06.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions as of 06/04/2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-16)

Published: 20.05.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions as of May 20, 2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-15)

Published: 05.05.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions as of 05/05/2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-14)

Published: 22.04.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions as of April 22, 2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-13)

Published: 16.04.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions as of April 16, 2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-12)

Published: 07.04.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions as of 04/07/2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-11)

Published: 26.03.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions for 03/26/2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-10)

Published: 10.03.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions as of March 10, 2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-9)

Published: 23.02.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions for 02/23/2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-8)

Published: 15.02.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions for 02/15/2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-7)

Published: 02.02.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions for 02/02/2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-6)

Published: 27.01.2021

Procurement plan for goods, works and services of ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC for 2021 with amendments and additions for 01/27/2021 (Order 010440003931-ПЗ-2021-5

Procurement plans 1 – 20 from 157
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For commercial inquiries, please contact us by email or the telephone and fax numbers listed below.

e-mail: info@zinc.kz

+7-771-936-54-34, 8-72435-7-91-07

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