March 8 – International Women’s Day
Joint-stock company “ShalkiyaZinc LTD” noted the high number of women in the company by organizing a special festive table, gifts and events for the women of the team on the occasion of the 8th March International Women’s Day. The first congratulation was given by the General Director of the Society, Beysembaev Orken Rakhmetollauly, who emphasized the important role of women and informed about the future development of the Shalkiya project of the Society. .
On March 7, 2023, Joint-Stock Company “ShalkiyaZinc LTD” celebrated the high level of female solidarity in the Company, organizing a special festive table, gifts and events for the female team on the occasion of March 8 International Women’s Day. The first congratulation was given by the general director of the Beysembayev Society, Orken Rakhmetollaevich, who emphasized the important role of women and informed about the upcoming development of the Shalkiya project. At the festive event aimed at developing the corporate culture of the Company, employees were awarded letters of thanks and interesting games were held among them.